Who would have thought that asking the question, "Why not have an Urban Plunge in Sioux Falls," would have started a relationship that moved us to the city of Omaha? I had been on Urban Plunge in Omaha when we went with our church, The Ransom. It was an awesome experience. We visited several ministry groups in Omaha, that were engaged in helping many different people. These people struggled with issues that many of us in our group had never dealt with. Because of this trip, I had the privilege of being a part of a major life change that took place in a friend of mine. As we visited an Omaha ministry group, that had moved into a very high crime area, we saw what a group of dedicated people could do. My friend saw that he could use his gifts in wood working to really make a difference in the world. As followers of Christ we were grappling with the issue that God wants to use everything that we have for good in this world.
When we came back to Sioux Falls, we were excited to see what God was asking us to do in our own city. I was privileged to be a part of a group that wanted to raise awareness about issues of poverty in Sioux Falls. By asking, "why not start an Urban Plunge in our own city," we would become closer to the leaders of this ministry. This would lead us to Omaha to work for Christ for the City International. Through this work we hope to work closely with the churches in Omaha. As a believer in Jesus I know that He is asking us to look more like himself in this world. This means that we should be concerned for the cities that we live in. Just as Jesus himself wept over Jerusalem what could he be asking us to do in our own cities? We are looking forward to being in Omaha and working for an organization that is involved in working for the good of cities around the globe.
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