Tuesday, July 20, 2010

City Hall

As we gear up for this internship and look for ways in which multiple groups are interested in blessing their city, it seems that God is at work all over the place (including outside the church). It has always been a wonder to me that in the bible when things happen it seems to cross the lines of all different sectors. Whether politics, religion, social or familial, God crosses all these barriers constantly. Why would it be a surprise that God is working all over in our world and not just inside the church building? He is interested in every single sphere of human life and in every single human life.

Sitting in a meeting at city hall there were multiple different faith groups at the table with the mayor. One major topic in this meeting was gang violence. In the city of Omaha they are realizing that we all need each other. Faith groups can do things that city groups cannot. But faith groups also rely on the same services as everyone else--police, fire dept. etc. As a whole we are much stronger. We can all agree that gang violence is something that ruins our communities.

We don't hide out in our churches we get involved in living. If as the church we simply would come to the table we could go much further with our witness. We realize that there is more to the great commision than making disciples. But it also includes what makes up our discipleship. It includes what we are teaching those coming into the Body of Christ. If we actually lived by the great commandment we would have a stronger witness. Matthew 28 says, "Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you." The greatest commandment is that we love God with all that we have in us, and that we love our neighbor as ourselves. By coming to the table over tough issues our neighbors see that we actually care about them. If we live in neighborhoods plagued with gang violence and we get involved in keeping our neighborhoods safe we show our love. As we pray to God that "His kingdom come" we must be willing to point to that kingdom that has taken root inside of us.

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