We rushed into the hospital. What a strange mix of emotions as we went inside. We told the man at the front that we were having a baby. He asked, "how far along?" We said, "39 weeks." But he heard 29 and everyone thought we were in early labor. As soon as we got into the room I was glad to have such an awesome nurse. She took charge and I am glad because I had no idea what to do. She wondered at first if we should really be there. She heard that we were first time parents and seemed to say, "well I will check things over but I am sure nothing is happening," After taking one look at Becky she turned to us and said, "This baby is coming right now!"
Earlier that afternoon, I was golfing with my brother-in-law Chris. We had a great time. We won't mention any scores but we had a lot of fun. It was the first time I had been golfing since Don, Becky's dad, passed away. We went to the coarse that we always had. After we played we stopped in for a chedderwurst (the only hotdog worth eating). What an awesome way to start the day.
We jumped in the car and headed for home, at least what Becky and I had been calling home. We had been house sitting. When I would come back from Omaha this is where Becky and I would live. Becky's mom was right next door. So I felt a little better, but still not awesome, about leaving my 9 month pregnant wife to work in Omaha during the week. We all stood out by the street after we got home. Chris puffed on his cigarette and we laughed and talked for a while.
After we went back inside I remember Becky looking at me and saying, "somethings different today." Right then I wondered if today would be the day to meet our first baby. We had a little time so we walked around the block with Jake. We had cautiously agreed to baby sit for some friends around 5:30 that evening. Becky and I talked about it and we said, "what do we do if we go into labor? Do we take the kids with us to the hospital?" But it all went fine. I played with 3 year old Eli all the while thinking that someday soon my son would be here and I will be able to play with him. Becky hung out with new born little Sarah. I think the boys had more fun!
We had supper plans with another friend that evening. We pulled up to the old brick building that was a college dorm. You could hear the ring of cicadas in the air and feel the dense August heat. As we were pulling up to park Becky was way more serious. She was feeling uncomfortable. She was not sure if hanging out here was such a good idea, but she had to pick up her new cloth diapers. Plus we had not seen our friend and her little daughter for a long time. We stayed about 10 minutes. Becky was so uncomfortable. Chrissy tried calming us down and offered us spaghetti. Becky was not able to eat but I gladly had some. We left. Becky had called her midwife who told her that she should try and go to sleep and to call her if it got worse. She told us later that she did not think anything would happen tonight.
Once we got back to our house, Becky was still undecided. Was she having labor pains or not. People say, "you will know." Well she didn't. Although judging by the blank stair she had as she sat in the recliner and gazed out the window, I think deep down she knew. She tried tracking the pain and it was all over the place. Your supposed to try and measure the distance between the pains, that wasn't working. Some were 10 minutes some were 2 minutes...I was getting a little nervous. I had heard the stories of Becky's mom almost giving birth before arriving at the hospital. I was trying not to think about that. We would know when to go, right?
Becky's mom came over and I am glad she did. She sat through one contraction and while trying to stay calm but yet clear, she said, "honey...I think you should go in." That was good enough for me but Becky needed a bit more convincing. Until finally, when she was away in the bathroom her mom and I decided to force her out the door when she came back. It worked! We arrived at the hospital at 9:30. Ian Lee was born on Tuesday August 10th at Avera in Sioux Falls. He was born at 10:18pm weighing 8lbs and 1 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Becky pushed 6 times and he was here. Chris, who I had golfed with earlier, made a guest apperance by jumping into our hospital room like Uncle Leo off of Seinfeld (sorry I know its an old show). He did not stay in the room long as they asked him to kindly leave. Thanks to Becky's mom we made it. Someone said "we should buy a house near the hospital." I have since been really thinking this might be a good idea.